We are the trusted source of data-driven insights on insurance.

About Us


At CoverBear, we want people to have the information they need to make educated decisions, manage risk, and appreciate the essential value of insurance.

We strive to in becoming the #1 online source for insurance information. Our digital media channels offer a wealth of data-driven research studies, white papers, videos, articles, infographics and other resources solely dedicated to explaining insurance and enhancing knowledge.

Unlike other sources, our sole focus is creating and disseminating information to empower consumers. We neither lobby nor sell insurance. We provide objective, fact-based information about insurance – information that is rooted in economic and actuarial soundness.


The Cover Bear is a subsidiary of Urban Marketing, LLC and works in conjunction with Urban Marketing, LLC to provide you with our SMS program.

Contact Information

The Cover Bear 
2915 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 300, Miami, FL 33143, US

Contact Number
Toll Free: 877-806-0983